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Sunday, February 26, 2017

TCRA yafafanua jinsi ya kuhama mtandao bila kubadili namba.

MAMLAKA ya Mawasiliano Tanzania (TCRA), imezindua mpango maalum unaomuwezesha mteja kuhama mtandao mmoja wa simu kwenda mwingine bila kubadili namba ya simu, na kueleza hatua 13 za kufuata ili kupata huduma hiyo.

Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa TCRA, Mhandisi James Kilaba, akizungumza na wahariri na waandishi wa vyombo mbalimbali vya habari jana jijini Dar es Salaam, alisema huduma hiyo ni ya hiari na ili mtu aweze kuhama mtandao mmoja kwenda mwingine ni lazima afuate hatua 13.

Mhandisi wa Mawasiliano wa TCRA, Mwesigwa Felician, alitaja hatua ya kwanza ya kuhama mtandao mmoja wa simu kwenda mwingine kuwa ni kufika kituo cha mauzo au kwa wakala anayetambuliwa na mtoa huduma anakotaka kuhamia na kumueleza dhumuni lake.

Hatua ya pili, alisema Felician, ni kujaza fomu maalum ya maombi ya kuhamia mtandao aliotaka kuhamia.

Felician alitaja hatua ya tatu kuwa ni kujaza tamko la kukubali kuwa mteja anakubali kuwajibika kwa madeni yoyote ambayo yanatokana na huduma alizokuwa akipata kwa mtoa huduma wa awali kama yatakuwapo.

Felician alitaja hatua ya nne ni kuwa ni kuwasilisha kitambulisho chenye picha ambacho kinaweza kuwa cha taifa, kadi ya mpiga kura, leseni ya udereva, pasipoti au kitambulisho chochote rasmi kinachotambulika.

Alisema pia mteja anatakiwa kuwa na simu ya kiganjani inayofanya kazi yenye namba inayotakiwa kubaki baada ya kuhama mtandao.

Hatua ya tano, Felician alisema ni kuhamisha fedha zilizopo kwenye akaunti ya simu kabla ya kuhama ili kuepuka usumbufu.

Katika hatua ya sita, Felician alisema, mwenye namba ya simu atatakiwa kutuma ujumbe mfupi wa maneno wenye neno HAMA kwenda namba 15080 ambayo ni namba maalum ya kuhama.

Alisema katika hatua ya saba, mteja atapokea ujumbe mfupi wa maneno utakaomjulisha kuwa ombi lake limekubaliwa.

“Hatua ya nane, iwapo namba yako haikuzuiliwa au kusimamishwa kwa muda kutokana na kutokamilisha malipo ya madeni ya mtoa huduma wako wa awali, maombi yako yatashughulikiwa na utajulishwa kwa ujumbe mfupi wa maneno maendeleo ya mchakato huo,” alisema Felician.


Alisema katika hatua ya tisa, mtoa huduma za simu za kiganjani atampatia mteja wake mpya laini mpya ya simu.

Hatua ya 10, Felician alisema, ni kusitishwa kwa huduma za kifedha kwa muda mpaka namba ya mteja itakapohamishwa kwa mtoa huduma mpya. Kuanzia hapo mwenye namba atatumia huduma za kifedha za mtandao mpya kama huduma zipo.

Mhandisi wa Mawasiliano wa TCRA Felician alisema katika hatua ya 11, huduma za kupiga na kupokea simu na ujumbe mfupi wa maneno zitaendelea kama kawaida.

Alisema katika hatua ya 12, mteja atakuwa amehama mtandao mmoja kwenda mwingine na kama patakuwa na ucheleweshaji, ni wa saa kadhaa, lakini ndani ya siku mbili pekee.

“Wakati huo namba yako ya zamani itakuwa imehamishwa kwa mtoa huduma wako mpya na laini yako ya awali haitatumika tena na utapokea ujumbe mfupi wa maneno kuwa uhamaji umekamilika,” alisisitiza Felician.

Katika hatua ya 13, mteja atatakiwa kuweka laini yake aliyopewa kwenye simu na endapo elimu zaidi itahitajika, mteja atatakiwa kwenda kwa mtoa huduma kujua namna ya kutumia huduma hiyo mpya.


Mbali na kuelezea hatua hizo za kujiunga, Felician alisema masharti na vigezo vitavingatiwa ambavyo alivitaja kuwa ni mteja kutoweza kuhama na namba iliyofungiwa au kusitishiwa huduma kwa walipaji wa kabla ya huduma.

Alisema pia mteja hataweza kuhama na salio lililopo na atatakiwa kutumia salio lake kwanza kabla ya kuhama kwani vinginevyo, litapotea.

Pia alisema mteja hataweza kuhama iwapo ana mkopo kutoka kwa mtoa huduma wa awali, mikopo mingine kwa njia ya muda wa maongezi na pesa mtandao.

Felician alisema pia mteja hataweza kuhama iwapo namba yake inahusishwa na uhalifu na imefungiwa.

Kwa wateja wanaotumia utaratibu wa malipo baada ya kutumia huduma, watatakiwa kulipa madeni ya matumizi yao kabla ya kuhama, alisema.

Wateja hao, watatakiwa pia kukamilisha masharti ya mkataba ya mtoa huduma wake na kutizama masharti ya malipo kila mwezi kwa mujibu wa mkataba kabla ya kuhama, alisema zaidi Felician.

Alisema pia wataendelea kupokea ankara za matumizi hadi namba itakapohamishiwa kwa mtoa huduma mpya.

“Utaendelea kupokea ankara ya mwisho hadi siku 60 baada ya kuhamisha namba yako," alisema Felician.

"Utapewa mpaka siku 30 za kulipa ankara hizo, vinginevyo utakuwa katika hatari ya uhamaji wako kusitishwa au namba yako kufungiwa.”

Awali akizundua huduma hiyo, Mhandisi Kilaba alisema ili kufahamu mtumiaji wa simu unayempigia amehama mtandao “utasikia milio miwili kabla ya simu kuita."

"Hii milio ndiyo ambayo watu waliokuwa wanasema TCRA tumeanza kusikiliza mazungumzo ya watu, naomba muwaeleweshe Watanzania.”

Alisema kwa sasa kuna laini za simu milioni 40.1 nchini na kwamba lengo la kuleta huduma hiyo ni kuboresha na kupanua huduma za mawasiliano nchini.

The Fate of the Furious

Now that Dom (Vin Diesel) and Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) are on their honeymoon, Brian and Mia have retired from the game, and the rest of the crew has been exonerated, the globetrotting team has found a semblance of a normal life. But when a mysterious woman seduces Dom back into a world of crime that he can't seem to escape, the crew will face trials that will test them as never before.
Release date: April 14, 2017 (USA)

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Kamanda wa Polisi Kanda Maalum ya Dar es salaam Simon Sirro ataja sababu za wahalifu kuachiwa

Kukosekana kwa ushahidi pamoja na gharama kubwa za kuwatunza wahalifu wanapokuwa mikononi mwa polisi, vimetajwa kuwa ndizo sababu kubwa zinazofanya wahalifu wengi kuachiwa mara baada ya kukamatwa na kufikishwa vituoni.

Hayo yamewekwa hadharani na Kamanda wa Polisi Kanda Maalum ya Dar es salaa Kamishna Simon Sirro alipokuwa kwenye kipindi cha East Africa Breakfast cha EA Radio, na kuwataka wananchi kuwa na utamaduni wa kutoa ushahidi wa kesi wanazofungua ili watu wahalifu hao wafungwe kwa mujibu wa sheria badala ya kulaumu jeshi la polisi.

Amesema kitendo cha wananchi kukwepa kujitokeza kutoa ushahidi wa kuwatia watu hatiani kunaiongezea gharama kubwa jeshi hilo kwa ajili ya kuwatunza, kuwahifadhi na kuwahudumia kwa chakula.

“Unapoendelea kumuweka mahabusu naye ni binadamu anatakiwa kula, kuoga kusafishiwa maliwato na chumba cha kulala gharama zote ni za serikali ndiyo sababu kubwa tunatoa dhamana ili kuepuka gharama”. Amefafanua Kamishna Sirro.

Amesema Watanzania wengi wamekuwa na tabia ya kulaumu jeshi la polisi pale wanapomuona mtuhumiwa aliyekamatwa na vidhibiti akiwa ameachiwa huru pasipo kujua kuwa kesi yoyote lazima itolewe ushahidi ndipo mtuhumiwa aweze kufungwa kwa mujibu wa sheria.

“Watanzania wote utamaduni wa kufika mahakamani hawana, wao wanachojua ni mtu anakamatwa tu na kufikishwa kituoni, wakati inatakiwa uhakikishe mtuhumiwa kafunguliwa mashtaka na mahakamani kapelekwa pia ushahidi katolewa, ukifuatilia hayo hutolalamika eti askari wamepatiwa rushwa". Amesema Sirro

Je unakumbuka Maajabu saba ya kale ya Dunia. Yapi yapo hadi leo?

Maajabu saba ya Kale

  1. Piramidi za Giza (Misri ya Kale)
  2. Mabustani ya Semiramis (Babeli, leo Irak)
  3. Hekalu ya Artemis mjini Efeso ((Ugiriki ya Kale, leo Uturuki, Asia Ndogo)
  4. Sanamu ya Zeus mjini Olympia (Ugiriki ya Kale)
  5. Kaburi la Mausolo mjini Halikarnassos (Ugiriki ya Kale, leo Uturuki)
  6. Sanamu ya Kolossos kisiwani Rhodos (Ugiriki ya Kale)
  7. Mnara wa Pharos ya Aleksandria (Misri)
Kati yake piramidi pekee zimebaki hadi leo.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Diamond ft Neyo Marry you lyrics

When I look at you

I see the air of ever favorably

I see the sun how you shine on me
Nikomzima kwa sababu ya wewe tu
And when you talk to me
I hear the angels I can hear them sing
I have the sound
I can blessed to be your man as much as true
And though I'm
Give to you baby If you take me, you girl
See forever something that I just can't do
No, No without you

I want to marry you (ooh lalala!!!)
I want to marry you (ooh lalala!!!)
I want to marry you (ooh lalala!!!)
Aaah twende kwa mama papaa
I want to marry you (ooh lalala!!!)
I want to marry you (ooh lalala!!!)
I want to marry you (ooh lalala!!!)
Aah twende kwa baba na mama yangu

Oooh baby hadithi hadithi utamu Korea
Oooh baby leo najihisi hamu kuongea
Oooh baby yalio ndani ya mtima
Nikueleeze how i feel
Mmh vile kupenda malazi ya moyo
Ntampenda nani
Sio mfupa mwenzio kibogoyo utanitesa honey
Vile mate wanakumezea
Kutwa wanakumendea
Ni pressure kizungu zungu

Eeeh when you smile(ndo mi napendaga)
Eeeh when you smile (ndo mi napendaga)
Eeeh when you smile (ndo mi napendaga)
When you smile (ndo mi napendaga)
I want to marry you (ooh lalala!!!)
I want to marry you (ooh lalala!!!)
I want to marry you (ooh lalala!!!)
Aaah twende kwa mama papaa

I want to marry you (ooh lalala!!!)
I want to marry you (ooh lalala!!!)
I want to marry you (ooh lalala!!!)
Aaah twende kwa baba na mama yangu
Now and forever we will be together I want you only

Sunday, February 12, 2017


List of institutions/programmmes approved for admission in March/April intake 2017/2018.
To view a list of institutions/programmmes select Professional Area / Field of Study. 



The Higher Education Students’ Loans Board wishes to announce successful loan appellants.
Details of the loan allocations will be available in their respective institutions by end of 13th February, 2017.
Issued by:

11th February, 2017.

Friday, February 10, 2017


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Monday, February 6, 2017

Rwanda to switch from French to English in schools Move seen as further snub to former colonial power.

The Rwandan government is to switch the country's entire education system from French to English in one of the most dramatic steps to date in its move away from Francophone influence. Officially the change is to reposition Rwanda as a member of the East African Community, an organization
made up mostly of English-speaking countries such as neighbours Uganda and Tanzania.

However, the shift to education solely in English is part of a wholesale realignment away from French influence that includes applying to join the Commonwealth - if accepted Rwanda would be only the second member, after Mozambique, that has not been a British colony - and establishing a cricket board.
Underpinning the move is a long and bitter dispute with France born of its support for the Hutu regime that oversaw the 1994 genocide of 800,000 Tutsis, which has seen the French ambassador expelled and the closure of the French cultural centre, international school and radio station. 

However, what amounts to an attempt to expel the French language too, consigning it to a few hours a week in schools and increasingly forcing it out of the workings of government, will be badly received in Paris where protection of the language is at the heart of what critics describe as the
French obsession with maintaining influence in Africa and which led it to back the Hutu extremist government. No timetable has been set to implement the policy, which will face a number of challenges, including finding sufficient teachers who speak English. 
The cabinet also decided that all public service workers will receive English instruction. English was made an official language in Rwanda, alongside French and the indigenous Kinyarwanda, after the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)
overthrew the Hutu regime and took power in 1994. The RPF leadership, dominated by Tutsis raised in exile in Anglophone countries, generally speaks English and not French. Rwanda's minister of education, Daphrosa Gahakwa, grew up in Uganda where she took her O levels. She studied her PhD in genetic engineering at the University of East Anglia. English has also become fashionable even among French-speaking young people in the cities, particularly Tutsis,as a means of rejecting Francophone influence and its association with the Hutu regime responsible for the genocide. At present the first three years of primary school is in Kinyarwanda after which pupils may choose English or French. The French option is to be dropped. Instruction at Kigali's elite Institute of
Science and Technology is already in English and it is increasingly the language of instruction in the national university. The drive towards English is in part financial. Close trading ties not only with other east African nations such as Uganda and Kenya but also with South Africa, which has provided investment for luxury hotels and shopping malls, have helped drive an economic boom in
Rwanda. The Rwandan trade and industry minister, Vincent Karega, told Kigali's New Times newspaper that the country is looking beyond the Francophone world. "French is spoken only in France, some parts of west Africa, parts of Canada and Switzerland," he said. "English has emerged as a backbone for growth and development not only in the region but around the globe." There is little doubt that a deep loathing of all things French is also an important factor for some of Rwanda's leaders. The latest salvo against French influence comes weeks after the Rwandan government accused more than 30 French politicians, officials and military officers of complicity in the genocide,
including the late president, François Mitterrand, and called for their prosecution.
A two-year investigation by an official commission alleged that French forces in Rwanda committed crimes against humanity and protected those who organised the genocide, helping them to flee the country and escape justice. The Rwandan inquiry followed allegations by France's leading anti- terrorism judge, Jean-Louis Bruguière, that in effect accused Rwanda's Tutsi president, Paul Kagame, of bringing mass murder on his own people by allegedly ordering the 1994 assassination of the then president, Juvenal Habyarimana, which markedthe start of the genocide. The judge could not indict Kagame as head of state but he issued international arrest warrants for nine of his closest aides and advised the tribunal trying those behind the genocide to pursue Kagame.

 Backstory France's claim that Rwanda was a French-speaking nation was always somewhat disingenuous given that 80% of the population spoke only Kinyarwanda fluently. But there was no doubt about France's influence over the former Belgian colony. It remains strong in other Francophone countries in Africa from the Democratic Republic of Congo to the west and central African nations where the national currencies are underpinned by French financial support. French remains an important language of commerce and diplomacy in west and central Africa, so much so Ghana recently decided its officials should learn it so as not to be marginalised by the likes of Senegal. There is little doubt English is encroaching on French influence, not only because it is the language of business in Europe but because of the economic power of South Africa.